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2019의 게시물 표시

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

날개펴니  바람인다 나비나니  빈자리고 ...

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of petals

COLOR of Russia

COLOR of Russia

COLOR of Russia

COLOR of Russia

COLOR of petals

계절의 歎息이 지나간다 떨어진 꽃잎의 悔恨이다 삶은 넋두리가 아니란다 ... 으아리 

COLOR of Russia

익숙한 것이 있던 자리를 낯선 것이 차지하고 있다. ... 해적커피는 있지만 스파벅스나 커피빈은 없었던

COLOR of Russia

마리인스키를 들어가보지 못한 위안을 ...

COLOR of Russia

샤갈과 칸딘스키는 유심히 보지 않으면, 지나쳐 버리는 그런 곳에 걸려있고 ....

COLOR of Russia